We help create engaging and secure environments

Achieve a smooth user experience through the Njoin-powered whitelabel platform.

Let's talk Njoin

Reserve anything in your building with Booking

Make it easy to find and book assets for onsite collaboration on any device through a seamless experience

Visitor Management

Scheduling without the back and forth

Easily Manage bookings

Create your events directly in Njoin to get personalized suggestions that perfectly match your needs.

Did you forget to book in advance or need to arrange a last-minute brainstorm session? Easily locate an available room with just one touch.

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Streamlined and welcoming experiences with Visitor management

Enhance reception performance, boost company security, and craft a memorable visitor journey

Visitor Management

Wow your guests with the best visitor experience

Effective Visitor Management

  • Make a lasting first impression by creating a welcoming, secure, and convenient experience for your visitors.
  • By registering all visitors and providing them with a QR code, you can digitize your guestbook and support security convergence in full.
  • Improve your reception's efficiency and provide topnotch hospitality services with the Njoin platform.
Let's talk

Your phone is now your badge with Mobile access

Digital employee badges and mobile credentials enable users to access office doors, elevators, turnstiles, amenity spaces, lockers and more.

Mobile access

Physical access with a simple, secure mobile experience

Users can access all areas within your building without physical contact - including parking, doors, turnstiles, elevators, and communal spaces. By waving your mobile device in front of card readers or smart locks with NFC, users can instantly gain touchless entry. This provides a fast, easy, and hygienic method for users to enter your buildings and reduce security.

Risks and expenses by using our integrated mobile access solution to support ESG goals, eliminate plastic waste, and manage badges efficiently.

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White label magic for all your needs with Employee app

We build sustainable communities, enable sharing of resources and increase utilization.

Employee App

Connect and Engage Your Entire Workforce

Employee app

  • Inspire connection and support employees in every stage of their workday at the office. All from one application.
  • Our user-friendly app promotes your brand and its robust back-end infrastructure offers simple API for third-party integrations.
Let's talk

Why choose nJoin?

  • Globe
    One product - any building, any office, anywhere
  • Settings
    Integrate with your current access control system
  • Code
    Reliable in-house integration approach
  • Stats
    Flexible solution for hybrid work challenges

Simplify security and offer a hassle-free ride with our mobile experience

Choose a plan